Kanamycine sulphate monohydrate

$75.00 - $179.00

Product Overview

CAS number 25389-94-0

Molecular weight C18H36N4O11.H2SO4.H2O=600.6

Activity > 750 IU / mg

Kanamycin B

Kanamycin is an aminoglycoside antibioticum and has a bactericidal action against many gram-negative bacteria. Aminoglycosides are taken up into sensitive bacterial cells by an active transport proces. Within the cell they bind to the 30S and to some extent to the 50S subunits of the bacterial ribosome; inhibiting protein synthesis and generating errors in the transcription of the genetic code. Kanamycin is used as a selective agent for the incorporation of the NPT II (AH3Â’) gene in plant tissue.